More and more parents are turning to environmentally friendly products for their kids, concerned with their safety and the world they'll leave to their children. Pure Kids gives them the chance to stick to their values while investing in high-quality and fun clothes.
Pure Kids was founded in Denmark in 2004 as the umbrella brand over Phister & Philina, a quirky and colorful brand, and Racoon Outdoor, the outdoor brand for kids who like to play and get messy.
With a sustainable approach to product development and communication, Pure Kids aims to be one of the most environmentally conscious players in the Danish kids' fashion industry – an objective that requires traceability, quality control, and close supplier relations.
Overcoming the full-inbox syndrome
The Full-Inbox Syndrome is an epidemic that affects many brands in the fashion industry. It forces professionals to waste time trying to piece together parts of a conversation from different personal inboxes.
Tilde Cramon, a former Technical Designer at By Green Cotton, felt the frustration on her own skin. She shared how the implementation of Delogue PLM helped save precious time and unnecessary mistakes while making the production process more efficient.
Looking for information in hundreds of emails sent back and forward made it difficult for us to keep track of the product journey. Delogue PLM helps us clean up all the technical specifications and provides us with a channel for communicating with suppliers.
Tilde Cramon, Former Technical Designer at By Green Cotton
Boosting communication to improve CSR
Intending to support company CSR and responsible management, Pure Kids acknowledged the need for better communication practices with suppliers to ensure traceability and quality control throughout the entire supply chain. It found the solution in Delogue PLM and its internal communication tool. Cramon explains:
Delogue PLM facilitates the workflows of the design department and makes the sample flow more clear and traceable. On top of that, it simplifies the ongoing communication with our suppliers, logistics, and sales solutions – which all play a role in staying true to our CSR policy.
Tilde Cramon
READ MORE: Traceability Beyond Tier 1
Delogue PLM has provided Pure Kids with the tool they needed to implement traceability and ultimately improve the overall company CSR. Now, every design can be easily tracked from idea to final product.