Your overview of textile initiatives, regulations and laws affecting the fashion industry.
Stay informed with the latest updates on global textile initiatives, regulations and laws, covering the EU textile strategy and regulations in EU member states. And learn how you integrate them into your daily business operations.
"Do you need a broader insight of the initiatives and their impact on your business?"
Anja Padget
Head of ESG and Communication
Upcoming events
Data in Action: Unlocking What Truly Drives Success
2025 is here, and the focus on data has never been greater. We’ve invited tex.tracer and Lollys Laundry to discuss how brands can use data to streamline operations and unlock new opportunities.
Starke Daten: Wie Datenstrategie Erfolg treibt
Der Jahresbeginn ist der ideale Moment, um sich auf das zu fokussieren, was wirklich zählt: belastbare Daten, ein nahtlos integrierter Tech-Stack und zukunftsorientierte Strategien.
Delogue Uncovered: Your Live Q&A Session
Join us for our monthly interactive Q&A session where your curiosity leads the way. Whether it's mastering pricing strategies, optimizing care label management, or navigating certifications, this is your place to ask and interact.